Musings on Art, Collecting and Design

This is where I capture the ideas on making creativity, design and art part of your own aesthetic. From collecting art, making art, writing, journaling and sketching—there’s always room for art to be more a part of every day life.

Nate Sullivan Master Copy of Millais' Ophelia Painting

Quitting All Things Meta

I've left Instagram (and Facebook and all things Meta) after nearly 10 years on the platform. With this transition I'll be posting about my art here, on my own blog, on a platform that I own, and am not subject to the same draconian, arbitrary Terms and Conditions...

Electric Sundown in Pendleton, Oregon

I'll be doing a popup shop this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Electric Sunday here in Pendleton Oregon. I'll have the usual fare of prints, stickers and cards and little trinkets. Will also have some jewelry items and I'm hoping to do a live painting during...