Nate Sullivan Master Copy of Millais' Ophelia Painting

I’ve left Instagram (and Facebook and all things Meta) after nearly 10 years on the platform. With this transition I’ll be posting about my art here, on my own blog, on a platform that I own, and am not subject to the same draconian, arbitrary Terms and Conditions of some behemoth corporation that doesn’t care about users, only about profit.

The truth is, the journey of leaving Instagram is many years in developing, but the suspension of my art account (@nate_sullivan_artist) and my design business account (@mountainhutmedia) in June 2024 has meant, one, the platform could not be used by me, and two I realized that any amount of appeal was going to be a nightmarish journey of wasted life energy for what accounted for a few social media followers, and so the journey was concluded much sooner than my lackadaisical approach to this point.

If you stumble on this post and you’ve followed me on Instagram, thank you. I really appreciate the support. While I can’t return the favor through social media, I’ll do my best in other ways when possible. Leave a comment, say high. I’m going to get into regular posting here. And I’ll also be working on a monthly art-related newsletter so stay tuned.


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